Thursday, March 26, 2009

seems thank you is not enough

Anyone who knows me knows that I (unlike my husband) am not a woman of few words. However, tonight I am at a near loss for words of how to explain what has been happening to us over the last day and a half.

First of all, a great group of people in Vermont went to visit Paul's parents after the Caledonian Record story came out that were going to ask questions about fundraising. Caitlin's grandparents ended up being on the news that night in a wonderful story on about our cause and Caitlin's disease. Since that time, the wonderful comments and messages as well as donations have just been so overwhelming to the heart. Thank you everyone so much!

To top it off, on my last post I received an anonymous message to go to this site: . I cannot even tell you the feeling that I have inside right now with tears in my eyes that perfect strangers could be so, well--perfect.

We are being so blessed with kindness right now for our little girl. Over the last few days her seizures have intensified and changed again, so knowing in the back of my mind that I have so many people praying and cheering for our little girl is really giving me strength. What started out as a distant ray of hope in the form of a dog for Caitlin is now looking more and more like a reality.

I don't know that I will ever have the chance to possibly track each individual person down to thank them, but I hope I do. Just know that no matter where you are that you are very appreciated.

Bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Blessings to you and your precious daughter. May you receive the help you need and the compassionate caring of friends and strangers alike.
    Be well.
