Saturday, February 21, 2009

i don't even to how to begin express my appreciation!

Well, week one is just about over and I have to tell you that my heart is absolutely overflowing with emotion. I just don't even know how to begin to express my appreciation!

Here is one of the stories of how we are truly being touched with kindness. Curves for Women in Wasilla and Palmer is full of absolute angels!!! Thank you so much to Angie the owner (and I am sure she had some little helpers as well) for starting their own fundraiser for us! I only feel badly that I ruined the surprise...she wanted to keep it a secret, but a little birdy told me, so I had to come clean as the little birdy told her I knew. The little birdy was just excited--no worries! I stopped by yesterday to see that Angie has posted Caitlin's story along with several pictures of assistance type dogs. Members are donating for the cause and get their name on a dog and put on their giving wall. Angie said yesterday that so far totals are nearing one thousand dollars, just since Monday!!! I am absolutely grateful and don't really know what else to say except a heartfelt thank you. There were many tears of emotion over this one.

I know that there is much more goodwill both in the community we live in as well as the wonderful community of online friends and family (some we do not even know!) that are opening their hearts to donate or spread awareness. I am deeply appreciative for the donations, but also for the kind words of support and the wonderful ideas.

Thanks Again and Bless You All!

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